Results for 'David Augusto Júlio'

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  1.  10
    The Augustan Novel and the Cultural Foundations of Human Dignity.Julio Carvalho & Augusto Wiegand Cruz - 2022 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 108 (1):108-127.
    It is no coincidence that some of the great psychological novels from the eighteenth century were all published either before or round about the appearance of the term “rights of man”, which only began to take hold after 1789. By going through some of the novels of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, especially Pride and Prejudice (1813), by Jane Austen, we shall analyse more keenly in what way the key traits of the notion of gentleman that prevailed over the (...)
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    Interview: Julio Cortazar.Lucille Kerr, Julio Cortazar, Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria, David I. Grossvogel & Jonathan Tittler - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (4):35.
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    Teaching & learning guide for: Balancing the physics of radiation: Challenges to the system of quantities and units in radiological protection.Mariano Gazineu David, Mônica Ferreira Corrêa & Antônio Augusto Passos Videira - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (3):e12570.
    Ionizing radiation is present in various situations in the contemporary world. Defining the quantities and units for this field is a complex scientific task, especially the quantities used in radiological protection (RP) to estimate the damage caused to individuals exposed to radiation (detriment). This article highlights the lack of consensus in the scientific RP community regarding the quantities and units employed in practice from the perspective of the philosophy of science. The basic concepts related to the system of quantities are (...)
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    Physiology Responses and Players’ Stay on the Court During a Futsal Match: A Case Study With Professional Players.Julio Wilson Dos-Santos, Henrique Santos da Silva, Osvaldo Tadeu da Silva Junior, Ricardo Augusto Barbieri, Matheus Luiz Penafiel, Roberto Nascimento Braga da Silva, Fábio Milioni, Luiz Henrique Palucci Vieira, Diogo Henrique Constantino Coledam, Paulo Roberto Pereira Santiago & Marcelo Papoti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Physiological responses in futsal have not been studied together with temporal information about the players’ stay on the court. The aim of this study was to compare heart rate and blood lactate concentration responses between 1-H and 2-H considering the time of permanency of the players on the court at each substitution in a futsal match. HR was recorded during entire match and [La−] was analyzed after each substitution of seven players. %HRmean and [La−] mean did not differ between 1-H (...)
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  5. Especificación de temporalidad en modelos conceptuales para bases relacionales Y orientadas a objetos.Carlos Augusto Meneses Escobar, Jorge Alberto G. Lvez Correa & C. Julio - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 17.
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    Breaking the cycle of mistrust: Wise interventions to provide critical feedback across the racial divide.David Scott Yeager, Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Julio Garcia, Nancy Apfel, Patti Brzustoski, Allison Master, William T. Hessert, Matthew E. Williams & Geoffrey L. Cohen - 2014 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (2):804-824.
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    Balancing the physics of radiation: Challenges to the system of quantities and units in radiological protection.Mariano Gazineu David, Mônica Ferreira Corrêa & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (3):e12568.
    Ionizing radiation is present in various situations in the contemporary world. Defining the quantities and units for this field is a complex scientific task, especially the quantities used in radiological protection (RP) to estimate the damage caused to individuals exposed to radiation (detriment). This article highlights the lack of consensus in the scientific RP community regarding the quantities and units employed in practice from the perspective of the philosophy of science. The basic concepts related to the system of quantities are (...)
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    Sensorimotor contingency modulates breakthrough of virtual 3D objects during a breaking continuous flash suppression paradigm.Keisuke Suzuki, David J. Schwartzman, Rafael Augusto & Anil K. Seth - 2019 - Cognition 187 (C):95-107.
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    Exploiting Bi-Directional Self-Organizing Tendencies in Team Sports: The Role of the Game Model and Tactical Principles of Play.João Ribeiro, Keith Davids, Duarte Araújo, José Guilherme, Pedro Silva & Júlio Garganta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:473845.
    Research has revealed how inherent self-organizing tendencies in athletes and sports teams can be exploited to facilitate emergence of dynamical patterns in synergy formation in sports teams. Here, we discuss how game models, and associated tactical principles of play, may be implemented to constrain co-existing global-to-local and local-to-global self-organization tendencies in team sports players during training and performance. Understanding how to harness the continuous interplay between these co-existing, bi-directional, and coordination tendencies is key to shaping system behaviors in sports training. (...)
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    Between Tyranny and Self-Interest.David Guerrero & Julio Martínez-Cava Aguilar - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):140-171.
    The first contribution of this article is a politico-philosophical map that, drawing upon two common sets of arguments against modern natural rights, might help to explain the prevailing neo-republican position on natural rights. Under the label ‘abstraction argument’, we explore the view that natural rights are a metaphysical construct that usually ends in a violent application of speculative principles to society. Under ‘self-interest argument’, we discuss the notion that natural rights endorse an atomistic and selfish conception of the human being. (...)
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    Soto Carrasco, David. Filosofía política y ética. Claves conceptuales para comprender el presente, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2023.Julio César Muñiz Pérez - 2024 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 51:208-211.
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  12. Santino Caramella, Sir David Ross, il Cardinale Tisserant.Augusto Guzzo - 1972 - Filosofia 23 (2):165.
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    Religião e Linguagem: abordagens teóricas interdisciplinares.Júlio Cesar Tavares Tavares Dias - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (47):1097-1101.
    Book reviews: NOGUEIRA, Paulo Augusto de Souza. Religião e linguagem: abordagens teóricas interdisciplinares. São Paulo: Paulus, 2015. 446 p.. ISBN 978-85-349-4187-7.
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    Colomer Bea, David. El efecto desaliento. Análisis desde una perspectiva jurídico-penal. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2024. [REVIEW]Julio Llop Tordera - 2024 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 52:145-148.
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    The ethics of the ethics of autonomous vehicles: Levinas and naked streets.Julio A. Andrade - 2021 - South African Journal of Philosophy 40 (2):124-136.
    My starting point in this article is that investigating the ethics of autonomous vehicles through the lens of the trolley problem is not only limited but also unethical. I construct my case by aligning myself with Niklas Toivakainen, who argues against David Gunkel’s reading of Levinasian ethics as an answer to the “Machine Question”. I adumbrate Toivakainen’s critique that the attempt to give a Levinasian face to the machine is an example of a compensatory logic – a way to (...)
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  16. Equivalence of defeasible normative systems.José Júlio Alferes, Ricardo Gonçalves & João Leite - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (1-2):25-48.
    Normative systems have been advocated as an effective tool to regulate interaction in multi-agent systems. The use of deontic operators and the ability to represent defeasible information are known to be two fundamental ingredients to represent and reason about normative systems. In this paper, after introducing a framework that combines standard deontic logic and non-monotonic logic programming, deontic logic programs (DLP), we tackle the fundamental problem of equivalence between normative systems using a deontic extension of David Pearce’s Equilibrium Logic (...)
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    Symbolae ad Jus et Historiam Antiquitatis Pertinentes Julio Christiano Van Oven Dedicatae.Max Radin, M. David, B. A. van Groningen & E. M. Meijers - 1948 - American Journal of Philology 69 (4):442.
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    Astrometeorología y astrología medievales. By Julio Samsó. [REVIEW]David King - 2011 - Journal of Islamic Studies 22 (3):473-475.
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    Hoyos, J.M.; Moreno, J.C. (2023) Las claves de la investigación científica. Ediciones Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.Omar David Díaz Guzmán - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (130):282-286.
    El libro "Las claves de la investigación científica" (2023) de los profesores Julio Mario Hoyos y Juan Carlos Moreno, es un texto básico para la formación científica, que explica de manera clara, en un lenguaje no especializado, y desde un punto de vista plural e interdisciplinar, aspectos básicos del funcionamiento de la ciencia, como las distintas lógicas, los métodos, los modelos de cambio científico, y el funcionamiento social, institucional y organizacional de la investigación científica. Representa un aporte fundamental para responder (...)
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    Julio Cortázar. Fantomas Versus the Multinational Vampires: An Attainable Utopia. Trans. David Kurnick. Los Angeles, C.A.: Semiotext, 2014. [REVIEW]Evie Kendal - 2015 - Colloquy 30.
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  21. Augusto Angel-Maya y la Filosofía Ambiental en Colombia.Patricia Noguera - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (4):33-43.
    La intención de este ensayo es dar cuenta de algunas tendencias del Pensamiento Filosófico-Ético Ambiental colombiano, y su importancia en la Escuela de Pensamiento Ambiental que se está construyendo en la Universidad Nacional Sede Manizales gracias a los aportes de pensadores que han asumido la tarea de pensar lo pensado. En la primera parte presentaremos el pensamiento de of Augusto Angel-Maya, quien inauguró la escuela colombiana de pensamientoambiental y luego concisamente introduciremos las voces de José María Borrero, Julio Carrizosa, (...)
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    La recepción de Husserl en la etapa temprana del pensamiento de Augusto Salazar Bondy (1953-1961).Carlos Guillermo Viaña Rubio - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 94:109-122.
    El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar una síntesis del pensamiento fenomenológico de Augusto Salazar Bondy circunscrito principalmente a su obra Idealidad e Irrealidad de 1958 al lado de las críticas que hicieran al texto la profesora Dra. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón y David Sobrevilla. Con este fin, hemos dividido nuestro trabajo en cuatro secciones, la primera es una introducción histórica al Salazar fenomenólogo en la que expondremos algunos aspectos de su biografía intelectual ligados a la fenomenología desde la defensa (...)
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  23. (1 other version)La intelectualidad venezolana en el siglo XX: Julio César Salas.Antonio Tinoco Guerra - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 59 (2):89-112.
    Este trabajo brinda un panorama de la vida y obra del pensador venezolano Julio Cesar Salas, resaltando sus análisis sociológicos, antropológicos e históricos de la realidad venezolana y continental. El liberalismo impregna sus planteamientos económicos y políticos, y le llevó a ser acérrimo opositor al gobierno de Juan Vicente Gómez. Por libre pensador, positivista y evolucionista militante, seguidor de las ideas de Augusto Comte y Herbert Spencer, fue excomulgado de la iglesia católica. Ello hizo de Salas un pensador crítico (...)
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    Symbolae ad Jus et Historiam Antiquitatis pertinentes Julio Christiana van Oven Dedicatae . Ediderunt M. David, B. A. Van Groningen, E. M. Meijers. Pp. viii+ 410; portrait, 4 plates. Leiden: Brill, 1946. Cloth, 26 g. [REVIEW]R. W. Lee - 1947 - The Classical Review 61 (3-4):130-131.
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    After Physics.David Z. Albert - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Here the philosopher and physicist David Z Albert argues, among other things, that the difference between past and future can be understood as a mechanical phenomenon of nature and that quantum mechanics makes it impossible to present the entirety of what can be said about the world as a narrative of “befores” and “afters.”.
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    “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” − “eu”, “tu”, “nós”: o filosofar político de Fichte1.Günter Zöller - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 27 (42):651.
    No ano de 2014, não só ocorreu o bicentenário da morte de Johann Gottlieb Fichte, mas também completou cem anos o começo da Primeira Guerra Mundial ou Grande Guerra, como ainda é denominada no ocidente. O desembarque dos aliados na Normandia completou cinquenta anos. Além disso, esse ano marcou os doze séculos que nos separam, ou melhor, nos unem à morte de Carlos Magno e dois milênios à de Júlio César Otaviano, conhecido como Augusto — todos eles aniversários (...)
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  27. Invenzione, creazione, amore nelle poetiche del Manzoni, del Leopardi, di Dante» dans.Giulio Augusto Levi - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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    L'atelier de Julio Le Parc: Peut-être le mieux est-ce de dispamître de l'histoire actuelle de l'art.Armelle Auris, Guillemette Bonvoisin, Maurice Matieu, Julio Le Parc, Etienne Tassin, Michel Tort, Jean-Louis Pradel, Paul Henry, Joël Stein & Hector Miranda - forthcoming - Rue Descartes.
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  29. Per una interpretazione del Risorgimento.Augusto Del Noce - 1961 - Humanitas 16:16-40.
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    Alguns aspectos da relação entre a teoria saussuriana da linguagem E a teoria do significante lacaniano.Sergio Augusto Franco Fernandes - 2008 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 13 (2):85-97.
    A search of elements becomes necessary to facilitate the understanding of the origins of the Lacan´s significant, in the attempt to explain through structural linguistic, the limits of the Saussure´s influence. It is known that the Lacan´s significant, even though has the Saussure´s influence as a reference in epistemology, both “significant” must not be mistaken. It is usually attributed to Ferdinand de Saussure the invention of the theory of the linguistic sign. We will stand out, however, that this “invention” is (...)
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    Del pensamiento humano.Gutiérrez Soler & Julio Antonio - 1989 - Valencia: Samhi.
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    Proposte di Correzioni al Testo dei Nuovi "Morceaux Choisis".Augusto Guida - 2010 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 103 (1):43-48.
    New quotations recently published by P. Canart from a Vatican manuscript and identified as texts of Michael Psellos are examined, textual corrections and interpretations are proposed and further parallels presented that confirm the Psellian authorship put forward by the editor.
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  33. Autopresentazione.Augusto Guazo - 1985 - Filosofia Oggi 8 (2):201-206.
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  34. L'episcopato italiano dalla frammentazione al profilo unitario.Augusto D'angelo - 2003 - Studium 99 (4):561-592.
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    (2 other versions)Descartes: filósofo de la moral.Julio Morales Guerrero - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 54:11-29.
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  36. Formação do Estado, Cidadania e Identidade Nacional: comentários sobre a formação do Estado moderno ea construção da Europa.Carlos Augusto Teixeira Magalhães - 2002 - Enfoques 1 (1).
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    (1 other version)La ética, naturalmente derivada de la ontología en Tomás de Aquino.Augusto Trujillo Werner - 2017 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 8 (1):49-65.
    Este artículo académico trata sobre cómo Aquino entendía: a) la aprehensión de las primeras nociones intelectas universales: ens, verum et bonum simpliciter; b) la fructificación de los primeros preceptos y de los segundos preceptos prácticos en la persona genuinamente humana o racional; c) la ética, ley moral natural, como esencialmente derivada de la ontología. Ens compuesto de naturaleza humana, entendida metafísicamente y acto del ser, ordenado al bonum; d) por tanto, la ley natural solo tiene sentido desde una visión metafísica, (...)
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    L'Illuminismo tra risurrezioni e miraggi.Carlo Augusto Viano - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia 96 (1):91-120.
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    Protezione della vita e suicidio assistito nella sentenza della Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti.Carlo Augusto Viano - 1998 - Rivista di Filosofia 89 (1):5-26.
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    In Defense of Weak Inferential Internalism.David Alexander - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37:379-385.
    David Alexander has argued that “weak inferential internalism” (WII), a position which amounts to a qualified endorsement of Richard Fumerton’s controversial “principle of inferential justification,” is subject to a fatal dilemma: Either it collapses into externalism or it must make an arbitrary epistemic distinction between persons who believe the same proposition for the same reasons. In this paper, I argue that the dilemma is a false one, for weak inferential internalism does not entail internalism simpliciter. Indeed, WII is compatible (...)
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    Belief, provability, and logic programs.José Júlio Alferes & Luís Moniz Pereira - 1995 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 5 (1):31-50.
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    As bases do poder social e a conduta do professor universitário em sala de aula.José Augusto Dela Coleta, Marília Ferreira Dela Coleta & Mariza Rocha Guimarães - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 19 (38):17-42.
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  43. Felicidade e Bem-Estar Subjetivo entre Professores Universitários.José Augusto Dela Coleta & Marília Ferreira Dela Coleta - 2007 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 9 (2).
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    Paulo ea ética da liberdade.Frei Luiz Augusto de Mattos - 2008 - Revista de Teologia 3.
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    (1 other version)The concept of political action in the thought of Hannah Arendt. [Spanish].Julio César Vargas Bejarano - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 11:82-107.
    La teoría de Arendt sobre el concepto de acción es compleja, debido a que ella lo aborda desde diversas perspectivas, sin llegar a clarificar plenamente los contornos que definen este concepto central. Esta constatación permite plantear la hipótesis de que en Arendt hay diversas teorías de la acción; en primer lugar, la acción se presenta como una actividad meramente política, pero también puede haber acción violenta y por eso mismo tener efectos negativos sobre la política, y, en sentido amplio, la (...)
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  46. John Locke: dal razionalismo all'illuminismo.Carlo Augusto Viano - 1960 - Torino: Einaudi. Edited by John Locke.
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    Sefer Lev David.Ḥayyim Joseph David Azulai - 1973 - Edited by Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital.
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  48. Reply to Comments of John Cobb and David Griffin.David Bohm - 1986 - In David Ray Griffin, Physics and the Ultimate Significance of Time: Bohm, Prigogine, and Process Philosophy. State University of New York Press. pp. 172--6.
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  49. Còmpiti della filosofia.Augusto Guzzo - 1953 - Filosofia 4 (2):191.
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  50. Campanella e Vico ai Lincei.Augusto Guzzo - 1968 - Filosofia 19 (3):433.
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